am taking all of you ladies on a trip south of the border. Don't pack your bags or any sunscreen or even a swimsuit, you will not need any of those things. This is the list you will need to take; no judgment, an open mind, and a gingerly open mouth.
I am taking you where all men wish you would go on your own. A land called "Fellatio". Fellatio is a magical place where men are king and the only form of worship is the polishing of his penis orally and unselfishly until he explodes like Mount St. Helen's all the back to your wisdom teeth.
Only true "givers" need apply here. Going down and fellatio itself is an art and an art where the attention goes to the subject not the painter. Like a painter you must prepare before you start painting your masterpiece. This is no different for "setting up" the act in advance. It is a treat for a man to know that he is going to get a blowjob, and that you planned it out in advance first is a bonus.
The Plan Stan
By the way, I want to acknowledge all the experienced performers out there reading this who already know a thing or two about removing chrome from a trailer hitch. But this is not just about sucking a basketball through a garden hose; no, this is about seduction and romance. So, even if you already have "skills", then let's start before we start and get his engine running first. Just like you ladies like, it's called a little warm up action.

First thing to do is bait the big boy. Let him know in advance you have a plan to take that stick shift and put it into overdrive. It is the little things like: Calling him right before he gets home and say, "when you get home - don't say a word, come up to the bedroom and be a good boy and pull your pants down".
Whatever he says, repeat the "good boy" part and wait for him in the bedroom. When he comes in, don't talk at all! Did you here me you chatty Kathys?! Don't speak, your mouth is about to turn into a one way street, where everything travels in one direction. Help him undress, when he talks to you, JUST SMILE and continue.
Another or similar scenario is to go to his work or office, tell him you have to talk to him in private. If there is no privacy then ask him to come to the car. Make him think and wonder for a bit. This could also be if you were giving him a ride to work or even the home improvement center. The point is, if you can not corral him at home, a public place (in private) is not just the next best thing; it is really erotic and naughty. Yea!
Make yourself comfortable; make him sit or stand or whatever YOU want him to do, because he will do what he is told.
Now that you are comfy go to work on touching him everywhere with your hands while kissing him all over. Imagine you are teasing him the way you want to be teased - but shorten it up by 15 minutes! He wants you to get to the meat of the meal so to speak.
In Next Post I will tell you about Different Strokes of Fellatio